
Concept and Style Frame
Date: 2017
Tools: Photoshop & After Effects

Project Brief

Develop a concept and a series of style frames for a 30-sec movie premiere spot on a television network.


Exaggerated . Rich . Abstract

In this spot for the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”, three keywords “Exaggerated”, “Rich” and “Abstract” are selected to capture its concept and aesthetic. Rich and abstract visuals will depict the legend and lavishness of “The Wolf of Wall Street”. A series of exaggerated visuals will be used to express his genius, success, ambition, greed, decadence and prurience.
All the imagery is being sucked back into the network logo on a white background and gets the audience out of the “wolf’s world” in the end. This spot has no bias against him and does not reveal his downfall but rather leaves the audience hooked.

Social Media Applications


Typography Explorations

Thank you!